Manage pet listings
- How transport pets appear in search results
- How do I highlight a pet's personality traits?
- How do I create bonded pair profiles?
- Get New Pet Alert emails for specific shelters and rescues
- How do I edit my pet listings when I have imports turned on for my Adopt a Pet account?
- Do posted (and updated) timestamps help adoptions?
- How to add a pet
- How to edit a pet
- Add pets in a different location or zip code
- Pets with a different email or phone contact
- Reducing long-distance adoption interest
- What if we don't know if a pet is "Good with" (kids, cats, dogs)?
- Add a video to a pet listing
- Saving and Searching Microchip Info
- Can we add photos from a smart phone?
- Change pet's main photo
- Why are my pet photos sideways?
- What is the best size for pet listing photos?
- Technical Error can't add a pet
- Which pets were sent out in New Pet Alert emails
- How do we use Pet Templates?
- Can we have a clickable link in a pet's story?
- How to remove a pet from being visible to the public
- 7-day click through rate
- Add a breed not on the list
- Add Mixed as a dog breed
- Should I list a pet as "special needs"
- Deleted pets keep reappearing