After you setup your import, edits you make in your animal shelter software will automatically update Adopt a Pet.
Depending on the software, some editing can be done directly on Adopt a Pet.
Once your import is setup, at the top of your My Pet List there is a yellow NOTICE or WARNING box. The box varies by software.
These are just two examples. Please read what's on your account!
What can't be edited
For example, the top NOTICE is for Shelterluv or Chameleon.
Once Shelterluv or Chameleon imports a pet to Adopt a Pet, on the pet's editing page in Adopt a Pet you'll see a few fields are grayed out. These can't be edited:
- Pet Name
- Pet ID#
- Breed(s)
- Pet Status, i.e. adopted or other status
- add a pet
Those must be done in your software only. That's so when a pet is adopted or no longer available, it will still be automatically removed from Adopt a Pet.
How to edit (in this example):
In this example, you can edit most pet info directly on Adopt a Pet, like description, age, weight, etc and photos. Those edits will NOT be overwritten by your software.
Note if you edit a pet directly on Adopt a Pet, then later make an edit in your software, you will need to make it directly on Adopt a Pet too.
- Log in as a Pet Publicist here
- In the Pet Lists menu, select My Pet List
- Find the pet you want to edit
- Click on the pet's photo or name to get to their editing page
- Edit the pet's info
- Click the Update button to save your changes. They will show up instantly on