Some software sends pet data via Import. This article is for other software that uses AutoUpload.
For AutoUploading to function on your Adopt a Pet account, you must have at least one Pet Publicist that has "I am an AutoUpload contact" checked on their My Pet Publicist Info page.
Your AutoUploading contact(s) are sent an automated email every 12 hours with any errors. The subject line will be " AutoUploading Errors in the last 12 hours." The emails come from so please add that email to your contacts or address book.
The most common errors are breed and color mapping errors. AutoUpload uses two files: pets.csv and import.cfg. The first is your pet data and the second is a configuration file that tells our system how to "map" or translate your values to our values. For example, you may have a cat breed in your software named "Domestic short hair," while our system's value is "Domestic Shorthair." For our system to know it is the same breed, the import.cfg file maps it.
Below is a basic guide for fixing AutoUploading errors for software that does not upload an import.cfg with each upload.
Mixed Breed (Large)
Mixed Breed (Medium)
Mixed Breed (Small)