Q: I would like to add some dogs that are courtesy posts for our rescue partner who is not tech savvy. Their dogs are not a part of our software's upload. How can I add their dogs without them being erased with the next upload?
A: You are correct that with AutoUploading on and fully automated to add and update pets, the next upload will erase any manually added pets.
If this was an individual private owner, we'd recommend you help them use www.Rehome.AdoptaPet.com
But since they are a rescue organization, there's another option: You can create a 2nd "location" account that is just for their listings. The account could be for them with all their rescue's information, or could be under your umbrella, like "Woofy's Animal Shelter - rescue partner listings"
That account will not have software uploading activated on it. So you would add pets using that account's Add Pet forms, and update them 'manually' directly on its My Pet List.
If you'd like to use the same email to login, you can add the 2nd account here:
If you'd like to use a different email to login, add the 2nd account here:
Pro Tip: Since there's no way to move pets between accounts, so make sure you add them to the correct account the first time!