Shelter Pro offers automated importing to Adopt a Pet, so your organization's adoptable pets can automatically appear on Adopt a Pet.
Get ready:
- You need an approved Adopt a Pet shelter/rescue account. Sign up here.
Save data
- The first upload will permanently erase all of your available pets, adopted pets, adopters, and microchip info from Adopt a Pet. Only available pets are re-added by your software.
- Optional: Before you setup, use Pet Export and Adopter Export to save your data on your computer. (Your listings can not be restored from these files; just for your reference.)
AutoUpload Contact
- AutoUploading requires at least one Pet Publicist checked as the AutoUpload contact. They will be responsible for monitoring & addressing any errors. Errors may prevent your pets from updating or displaying. As a courtesy, if there are errors our system emails them to you.
- Whoever sets up AutoUploading will be it. If you are not the AutoUpload contact, ask that person to log in using their Pet Publicist login to complete the steps below. If they aren't a publicist yet, add them here checking "I am an AutoUpload contact for this shelter/rescue".
Set up AutoUploading:
If your pets and photos are in ShelterPro then you're ready take these steps:
1. Login to your Adopt a Pet account
2. Go to Shelter/Rescue > AutoUpload/Import Pets
3. Select "Shelter Pro" from the dropdown and click Continue.
4. Leave the default options or your importing will not work.
5. Click
6. Your unique FTP info will be displayed. You will need to enter it in your Shelter Pro software. Follow the setup in your Shelter Pro user guide for setting up web uploads.
7. Test for errors, see below.
Test & fix AutoUpload errors
After you've run your ShelterPro's extract and upload for the first time, use your Adopt a Pet Test Import Now to check for value errors. After the first check, if you have any more value or photo errors, our AutoUpload system will send you an email alert.
You may have "mapping" errors during the initial setup, or if you add new breeds, colors, or other customized values to your Shelter Pro.
To fix mapping errors, follow the detailed instructions on pages 3-7 of Shelter Pro's mapping how-to Shelter_Pro_MapValues.pdf and below is a brief 5 step summary.
In Shelter Pro:
- Then click MAP VALUES
- Choose the list (aka Value Category) which needs to be added or tweaked (like BREED_DOG in the screenshot below)
- Choose the Shelter Pro value to be mapped (like MIXED BREED in the screenshot below)
- Enter the map value in the Adopt-A-Pet text box
Download Adopt a Pet's recognized list of breeds and colors here.
Special 2nd breed value: Mix
AutoUpload ignores "Mix" if used as the secondary "CrossBreed" dog breed value. For the word "Mix" to display on a dog's page on Adopt a Pet, uncheck the "PureBred" box in ShelterPro for that dog's profile.
Primary Mixed Breed Dogs
For a mixed breed dog, you can use or map to these values that include the parentheses:
- Mixed Breed (Large)
- Mixed Breed (Medium)
- Mixed Breed (Small)
For additional help, email Shelter Pro or contact us.