Shelterluv's API can automatically import (add, update, and delete) your adoptable pets on your Adopt a Pet account.
It can take up to 24 hours for pets to appear on Adopt a Pet after initial setup.
After that, updates are visible on Adopt a Pet within 8 hours.
Get ready:
- You need an approved Adopt a Pet shelter/rescue account. Sign up here.
Save data
- The first upload will permanently erase all of your available pets, adopted pets, adopters, and microchip info from Adopt a Pet. Only available pets are re-added by your software.
- Optional: Before you setup, use Pet Export and Adopter Export to save your data on your computer. (Your listings can not be restored from these files; just for your reference.)
Set up importing:
Status: In your Shelterluv account, under Configuration > Processing > Status Manager, verify your pet status visibility/publish settings. Publish = Yes will show on Adopt a Pet. See note on photos below.
To complete your setup, watch this how-to video, or follow the steps below:
1. Generate your Shelterluv API key: In Shelterluv, click on your gear icon > Configuration > Uploads and Integrations > My Organization's Website. Select the "Generate New Key" option. You can label it Adoptapet. Copy the key. The key is a long string of numbers, letters, and dashes.
2. In your Adopt a Pet Admin Area, go to Shelter/Rescue > AutoUpload/Import Pets
Note: If your Adopt a Pet account is already setup for another software, de-activate it first:
Change Enabled or Activate to "No" and click update.
3. Select "ShelterLuv API" and click continue.
4. Click "yes" to the WARNING popup if you've saved your data, if needed, see above.
5. Paste in your API key and click "Save Import Settings" button.
If you only have one location/account, that's it!
Multiple sites (locations)
You can use the same API Key for each of your Adopt a Pet accounts, and repeat the 4 steps above for each location account. If you want to split your pets by location so specific pets will import to only one location account, please contact Adopt a Pet to see if that's possible for your accounts.
What's imported
What pet info does Shelterluv import to Adopt a Pet?
See also this Shelterluv article for more details under its "Note" section.
- Name
- Species
- Primary Breed / Secondary Breed
- Sex
- Size -- see note #1 below
- Date of Birth -- see note #2 below
- Website/Kennel Card Memo = Story / Description
- Animal primary color (just the 1st one)
- Photos -- see note #3 below
- YouTube video
If there is other information you want imported to Adopt a Pet (like a pet's exact adoption fee, age in years and months, weight in pounds or kg, vaccination status, and if the pet is altered), Shelterluv recommends adding that as typed text in the animal's Kennel Card/Website Memo, so it will be visible in the pet's Story field on Adopt a Pet.
Note #1: Size
Adopt a Pet displays a small, medium, large "Size" for some species. Dogs have a size, cats do not. It uses the Size Group on the animal's record in Shelterluv. If you do not select a Size Group in Shelterluv, species with Size required will display "Small" on AdoptaPet. Shelterluv does not upload exact weight in pounds/kg.
Note #2: Age
The pet's birthdate in Shelterluv is translated to display as an Age on Adopt a Pet, such as Young, Adult, or Senior. Age is rounded to the closest month and varies by species. For example:
age 6 months or younger = puppy
age 7 months to 1 year = young
age 1 year to 8 years = adult
age over 8 years = senior
age 6 months or younger = kitten
age 7 months to 1 year = young
age 1 year to 10 years = adult
age over 10 years = senior
age 4 months or less = baby
age 6 months or less = young
age 7 months to 5 years = adult
age 5 years or older = senior
Note #3 Photos
Shelterluv requires at least one cover photo and "publish" selected in their settings for any photos to display on Adopt a Pet. Up to 3 additional photos can be displayed. See screenshot below.
Need more help? Contact Adopt a Pet here.