You can use our Portable Pet List tool to generate javascript code or use an iframe link to display your adoptable pets from Adopt a Pet embedded in your website.
Javascript code
- In your Adopt a Pet shelter/rescue account, go to Add my Pet List to my Website
- Customize Your Pet List choose the layout width, style, and colors
Copy Generated Code from the box into the HTML of your website
This displays your pets in an iframe automatically!
Some website builders like Wix and Wordpress prefer you use the direct iFrame code, not the javascript generator. They prompt you to enter a URL website address into their iFrame tool. Here's two options for getting your pet list iframe URL:
A) Easiest: If you use the Chrome browser, install its Open Frame extension from here. Then follow steps 1 and 2 above, right-click or command + click anywhere within the Preview Your Pet List where you see your pets, select Open Frame in new tab. Copy that URL into your website builder's iFrame too.
B) Still easy: First, find your Adopt a Pet shelter account unique ID number. You can see it on your Pet List Links page here. Look for the number in the links. For example, in -- 1234 is the ID number.
Next, copy this sample link below...
Paste that link into your iframe code or tool.
Finally, very carefully type to replace the sample number 1234 with your unique ID number. You may need to click somewhere else in the URL then use your arrow keys to move the cursor to delete 1234 and replace with your ID. Be careful! Do not type over the = before the number or the & after the number in the link.
That's it!