Chameleon can upload and update your adoptable pets on your Adopt a Pet account through our automated import service.
If your pets are already appearing on and you have an Adopt a Pet account, all you need to do is contact us here. In the short summary, include "Opt my organization into the Chameleon Import Service." Adopt a Pet and Chameleon will take care of the rest! If you don't already have an Adopt a Pet account, sign up for one here.
Once setup, your pets will be added, updated and removed every hour.
There is zero cost to use this service. Adopt a Pet does not charge shelters/rescues for any of our services and Chameleon does not charge any extra for you to import to us.
Important: Turning on the Chameleon import instantly hides any pets on your "My Pet List" to start with a clean slate. Only available pets are imported.