Yahoo will sometimes decide for you to start sending your legitimate pet adoption inquiries to you spam folder. Here's how to prevent that for your pet inquiries.
1. On a desktop computer, log in to your Yahoo Mail account. Click the "Options" gear icon in the top-right corner. Select "Options."
2. Choose "Filters" on the list of options on the left of the screen. Press the "Add" button. Type a name for the filter in the "Filter Name" field, like Adoptapet. This name is used for your reference.
3. Locate the "Sender" column. Choose "Contains." Select the text field, and type in "" (don't type the quotes) to add us to your safe list.
4. Verify that the drop-down field marked "Then deliver the email to the following folder" is set to "Inbox." Yahoo sends all messages from the safe list domain directly to your inbox. Press "Save."
That's it!