For new setups, or if you are having trouble with your pets importing from PetPoint, you may need to adjust your PetPoint Site or Stage settings.
Updating Site Settings
If you are using multiple sites (think of them like locations) in PetPoint, each site needs to have the 'List on Petango' box checked.
Note: Each Site that you want to import will need its own Adopt a Pet location account. Here's how to set up additional location accounts.
Your organization will need to determine which of your PetPoint stages will appear on Petango and Adopt a Pet. The stage of 'Available' is already set to show online but you can add other stages to your list. We recommend verifying that the stages you have in your PetPoint software under Admin>Admin Options>Online Animal Listings>Stages match what you want to show up online.
Change a pet's stage
First, search for the animal in your PetPoint software by using any of the search criteria, such as Animal Number. There are other choices available in the "Search criteria" drop down menu. Click the green "Find" button.
If there is only one result, it will take you directly to the next tab. If more than one animal appears in the search results, click the animal number to select which animal you wish to edit.
When the animal record has been selected, you will be shown the Express tab. Click on the animal's Stage/Location tab.
1. Select a different value from the Stage drop down menu. Optionally, you can add a 'Stage change reason' comment or a Review Date.
2. In this example we changed this animal’s stage from Available to Pending Medical Assessment, recording that the animal is no longer available for adoption at this time. To save your change, click the green Add Stage button.
3. Once successful, the screen will display the message of Stage saved.
By default, only stage "Available" is shown on Adopt a Pet and Petango, but you may need to update your customized stage settings. See above for how to change your stage settings.