Q: How do I change our email address, the one that receives all the emails from people that are interested in our pets on your site? We have a new email address.
A: Every time you add a pet to your Adopt-a-Pet.com account, your shelter/rescue Contact Info is automatically added to that pet.
You can update that Contact Info on your "My Shelter/Rescue Info" page at
Or navigate to that page from your admin area green navigation bar:
You can choose to have your email and/or phone displayed on each pet:
Right above your Show Public options are fields for your Shelter Email and Phone.
To make changes to your pet inquiry email or phone, type in the changes in those fields, and click the "Update Shelter/Rescue Info" button at the bottom to save.
If you use Pet Contacts, make any changes here:
If you need additional help, click the blue Help bubble below, run a search, click "Contact Us" and submit that form. Thank you!