An 800px by 800px square works great! You can also do 800px (length) by 600px (width).
Our photo uploading tool shrinks larger photos, as long as each photo file is not larger than 8MB (or 2MB if AutoUploaded). Of course, it's faster when you upload smaller photos, around 200 KB is usually plenty big!
Photos used for the thumbnails that appear in search results will appear cropped into a square, however when someone clicks on the pet's profile, the photo will show uncropped. The thumbnail is generated from the pet's 1st (main) photo. If horizontal, it crops off the sides to make a square. If vertical, it crops off the top and bottom (equally from both) to make a square. So keep that in mind when choosing a pet's 1st photo. We highly recommend cropped at least that main (1st) photo to a square!
Pro Tip: If you don't have photo editing software to resize your photos (or crop to a square), you can use this free online tool!
To resize:
- Upload the photo to lunapic.
- From the "Edit" menu select "Scale image"
- Type in the number 800 for width. Leave height alone it will automatically shrink.
- Click "Scale image"
- Click the save link under the photo and now you may upload the smaller photo to your Adopt a Pet pet listing!